STEP St. John’s can provide resources to support organizations and individuals interested in preparing bids for major/minor sport events to be held in the Metro St. John’s region.
Whether you’re interested in bidding and possibly hosting a small or a major single or multi-sports event, host cities must plan for the event and ensure that the potential legacy benefits are identified and maximized.
Request for Proposal
Typically the Event Rights Holders (multisport or major games organizations) will issue a formal request for proposal. This helps to ensure that selections are evaluated on the same criteria and that the best bidding community is chosen.
The RFP Template provides details about the oveall bidding process and outlines the expectations that the organizing committee and rights holders can expect from one another.
Bid Evaluation Model (BEM)
As a member of the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance, we have access to a Bid Evaluation Model (BEM), a tool that is used to assess the viability of a bid proposal. It measures the level of fit between a community’s assets and the event rights holder’s requirements.
Bid Evaluation Model
Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance
Economic Assessment
An economic assessment is a tool that’s used to evaluate a community’s development both economically and socially. It’s also a key document that should be included in the business plan.
There are many economic assessment tools currently in use, but few that are specifically designed to measure the economic impact of new spending in a community based on sporting events.
As a member of the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance, we have access to an industry approved Sport Tourism Economic Assessment Model (STEAM)
STEAM (Sport Tourism Assessment Model
Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance